Gruhalakshmi amount Released This district is a status check.!

Gruhalakshmi amount Released This district is a status check.!

Gruhalakshmi amount Released This district is a status check.!
Gruhalakshmi amount Released This district is a status check.!

Women are preparing for the Varamahalakshmi (Varamahalakshmi) festival right away. The Karnataka government is gearing up to release the money of the Gruhalakshmi project as a gift for the festival. Government sources said that the money of women waiting for money is likely to be credited today or tomorrow. For all similar information, click here to get to our telegram channel to get joined immediately.

Which district comes first?

It is said that the money of Belgaum, Kalaburgi, Bidar, Vijayapura, Bellary, Raichur, Gadag, Bagalkot, Haveri, Koppal, Yadagiri, Chitradurga and Bangalore districts will be deposited from today.

Now the government is set to release the money of the Gruhalakshmi project. It is understood that the government has come forward to release funds to 26.65 lakh eligible beneficiaries by Wednesday. Due to the technical problem, the release of the household money was not released but now it has been corrected. “The July and August installment will be released,” he said.

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