PAYMENT STATUS Here is the mobile app to see Gruhalakshmi, Annabhagya money deposited including SSP student scholarship Status

Payment Status- Here is a mobile app to see Gruhalakshmi, Annabhagya money deposited including student scholarship

The Central Government launched the Direct Benefit Transfer or DBT scheme in 2013 to facilitate the transfer of government-provided subsidies. DBT aims to transfer subsidy benefits from various welfare schemes directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. To avail DBT benefits, beneficiaries should ensure that their bank account is linked with their Aadhaar number.

DBT has played a significant role in transferring the scheme amount directly to the beneficiary account without any third party contact including middlemen and government officials, State Government E-Administration Department Karnataka has launched DBT Mobile App on Google Play Store. With the help of this mobile application, you can get information about all guarantee scheme funds, snail housing scheme funds, milk incentive funds, student scholarship funds, DBT funds of all government schemes in this application without going to any bank or office.

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Check DBT Direct Cash Transfer Status by:

We can do direct cash transfer status of DBT-Annabhagya, Gruhalakshmi and any scheme of Govt directly on our mobile through android app.

  • Step 1: Click on the following link to download and install DBT Karnataka application for free

  • Step 2: Enter beneficiary’s Aadhaar number and click on Get OTP
  • Step 3: Now enter your Aadhaar number and click on Get OTP, after entering the OTP received on your mobile, click on verify OTP, then your Aadhaar card details will appear here.
  • Step 4: Then here you need to select a password Create your desired 4 number mPIN Enter Confirm mPIN Click on Submit
  • Step 4: Now on the home page you click on Payment status. You can know the DBT status of Annabhagya. And by clicking on Seeding status of Adhaar in bank account next to it you can know your Aadhaar seeding status and to which bank it has been seeded.
  • Step 5: Here you will see the status of any direct cash transfer received from the government so far
PAYMENT STATUS Here is the mobile app to see Gruhalakshmi, Annabhagya money deposited including SSP student scholarship Status
PAYMENT STATUS Here is the mobile app to see Gruhalakshmi, Annabhagya money deposited including SSP student scholarship Status

You can check the funds of the following schemes in this app.

  • Gruhalakshmi Yojana
  • Annabhagya Yojana
  • PM Kisan money
  • Ssp Scholarship Fund
  • Milk incentive fund
  • Raitha Shakti Yojana money

DBT status of funds of various schemes can be checked

Gruhalakshmi Yojana Status CLICK HERE
Annabhagya Yojana Status CLICK HERE
PM Kisan money Status CLICK HERE
Milk incentive fundCLICK HERE
Raitha Shakti Yojana moneyCLICK HERE
SSP Scholarship Status CLICK HERE
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