Today’s Methodological Questions

Today's Methodological Questions
1509 – At the Battle of Agnadello, the French defeated the Venetians in Northern Italy.

1607 – An expedition led by Captain Christopher Newport goes ashore in Jamestown, Virginia. The group had arrived at the venue the previous day. It became America’s first permanent English settlement.

1610 – French King Henry IV (Henry de Navarre) is assassinated by fanatic monk Fran Ravilac.

1643 – Louis 14 becomes king of France at age FOUR after the death of his father Louis 13

1727 – Thomas Gainsborough is born. He was an English painter.

1787 – U.S.S. Representatives began to gather in Philadelphia for a convention to draft a constitution.

1796 – The 1st smallpox vaccination was given by the Edward Jenner.

1804 – William Clark embarks on a famous expedition from Camp DuBois. A few days later, in St. Louis, Meriwether Louis joined the group. This group was called the “Corps of Discovery.”

1811 – Paraguay gains independence from Spain.

1853 – Gail Borden applied for a patent for condensed milk.

1862 – Chronograph patented by Adolph Nichol.

1874 – McGill University and Harvard meet in Cambridge, MA, for the first collegiate football game ever charged.

1878 – Vaseline is named after Robert A. Klein. Chesborough registered.

1879 – Thomas Edison incorporates the European Edison Telephone Company.

1897 – John Philip Sousa’s “The Stars and Stripes Forever” premiered. It was during a ceremony that George Washington unveiled his statue.

1897 – Guglielmo Marconi makes first communication via wireless telegraph.

1913 – The John Rockefeller Foundation was created. Rockefeller created a $ 100,000,000 gift.

1935 – Philippines ratifies independence treaty.

1940 – Netherlands surrenders to Nazi Germany.

1942 – U.S.S. The Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) was established by an act of Congress.

1942 – Aaron Copeland’s “Portrait of Lincoln” was first performed by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.

1942 – The British reach India when the British withdraw from Burma.

1948 – Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion declares an independent state of Israel as British rule ends in Palestine.

1955 – Eight European Communist bloc countries, including the Soviet Union, sign the Warsaw Pact, an Easter European mutual defense treaty.

1961 – A bus carrying Freedom Riders in Alabama is bombed and burned.

1969 – Simon and Schuster publish Jacqueline Susan’s second novel, “The Love Machine.”

1973 – Skylab One was launched in the US It was launched into orbit around the earth as a manned space station.

1975 – U.S. Troops attacked the Cambodian island of Koh Tang and seized the American merchant vessel Mayaguez. Cambodia released all 40 personnel safely. About 40 U.S. troops were involved in military action. The soldiers were killed.

1980 – U.S. President Carter inaugurated the Department of Health and Human Services.

1985 – Ray Crook’s first McDonald’s restaurant becomes the first fast food trading museum. It is located in Des Plaines, Illinois.

1988 – In the Andean village of Kiara, the Peruvian military was involved in the massacre of at least 26 farmers.

1992 – Former Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev US Addressing members of Congress, he appealed for the passage of a bill that would help the people of the former Soviet Union.

1996 – Tornado hits 80 villages in Bangladesh. More than 440 people have died.

1998 – The Associated Press marks its 150th anniversary.

1998 – The final episode of the TV series “Seinfeld” aired nine years later on NBC.

1999 – Six U.S. soldiers killed in the Korean War. North Korea returned the remains of the soldiers.

** 1999 – Jess Marlowe Hollywood Walk Off

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