Independence Day Speech for Teachers | Speech on Independence Day for Teachers English
Good morning teachers, dear students and distinguished parents our very happy independence day to all of you at the onset i want to Express my gratitude to almighty who has Kept us safe during these spending times and i would Wish and pray for his blessings further Students freedom of thought expression Gestures need to be revamped And re-valued on daily basis but at the Same time values of Indian-ness and wings of freedom and creativity need to be cherished at all times students.
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today we are celebrating independence day and we need to commemorate the immense contributions of our freedom fighters their contributions has led us this kind of freedom

where we are living in the country that is free India
during the pandemic times i’m sure you would have all realized the meaning of freedom when we all were sitting in our homes safe with loaded with amenities but still feel engaged don’t all of us are praying today that India
75th Independence Day Speech for Teachers
and the world should be free of code we want freedom from covet and that is
definitely going to happen because science and technology will come into
four and sooner or later India and the world will be free from covert 19 but imagine the indefinite struggle of our freedom fighters
who in their heart kept the flame of freedom alive and stayed in not so ambient conditions in the jails so that was the that was the freedom that was the freedom struggle children and we need to understand that freedom is to be valued cherished and carried forward we have reached
so far children and India has become a name to reckon we have made immense contributions in science and technology mangalyaan Asian gains commonwealth games and much much more but now what next
how are we going to carry the flag of India forward it is indeed the responsibility of the youth now now the question arises
where does the youth reside the youth resides in colleges universities schools
and what is the responsibility of the youth the youth needs to be
problem solver youth needs to be deep thinker
youth needs to come to the fore in terms of turning opportunities turning challenges into the opportunities youth needs to contribute in science and
technology medicine defense entrepreneurship vocationalization of skills all these areas and bit by bit they will contribute in making India the bigger region making India the global power making India the superpower
making India the dream my dream and your dream so india of our dreams students the NEP 2020 national education policy 2020 has come with a vision that each student apart from numeracy literacy science technology
Independence Day Speech for Teachers
languages need to focus on the skills and vocations and right from sixth class on wards you’re going to take your vocational subject get skilled in that occasion get skilled in that subject students from sixth grade on wards you’re going to take a skill based subject and get trained in that that will become your vocation students this policy will help you taking care of your approaches follow your dreams and get skilled it’s only when you are skilled
when you follow your dreams when you work on your aptitudes you will be joyfully contributing bit by bit making India even bigger students India has produced geniuses and let’s name of top 10 companies in the world
these companies are led by Indian origin ceos name google Nokia master card Microsoft and many more so if India has produced the geniuses there are further more geniuses few more geniuses and many more geniuses that will come into the forum and the responsibility lies on your shoulders you have to become now the torchbearers and you have to set your benchmarks.
students get up fasten your seat belts and grab the world of opportunity at the end.
Jai Hind