PM Suryoday Yojana 2024 install solar systems at your home today for free
Pradhan mantri suryodaya Yojana
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a revolutionary project, which aims to provide 300 units free electricity (300 units free electricity) for one crore houses. Under this scheme, solar panels on the roofs of the house can be installed and the electricity generated can be used for home use. For all similar information, click here to get to our telegram channel to become join immediately
So, the beneficiaries of the free electricity suryodaya yojana should be some important things, first of all, what is the house roof to install solar panels? And what is the process of applying through online (Online)? This important information is mentioned in today’s report, read the report thoroughly.
Sunrise Plan:
Under the Prime Minister’s Sunrise Scheme, you can get 300 units of free monthly power by installing solar panels on your home roof. The project aims to provide one crore households with a roof solar power system.
In the interim budget of 2024-25, there has been a huge increase in the new and renewable energy sector. The project has been earmarked for Rs 26,376 crore, which has increased by Rs 17,726.46 crore compared to the previous year.
The project, which was run in 2014, aims to make India’s strength of sunlight in the future. The central government is planning to convert each house into a small solar power plant by encouraging assistance and distribution companies.
By March 2026, the scheme aims to achieve the establishment of 40 Giga VAT solar power. It not only contributes to India’s overall electrical capacity but also helps promote the source of eco -friendly energy.
What is the eligibility of the scheme
- Only the Indian resident will get the benefit of this scheme.
- The annual income of the applicant should not exceed 1 or 1.5 lakh rupees.
- The application should have all the documents.
- People associated with government service will not get the benefit of this scheme.
Is the solar panel suitable for your home?
At least 10 square meters (10 square meters) is required to install solar panels of 1 kilowatt capacity under 2024 free solar roof scheme. Solar panels up to 1 kilo watt can be installed at no cost. 40% subsidy for plates from 1 to 3 kilos and 20% subsidy for plates ranging from 4 to 10 kilos. Up to 60% of a total of the government can be subsidized by the government.
Note: Installing solar systems in factories can reduce electricity bills by 30 to 50 per cent. Yes, by generating electricity using solar energy, factories can save a considerable amount of money.
Required Documents
- Aadhaar Card (Aadhaar Card)
- Address proof
- Electricity bill
- Income Certificate
- mobile number
- Bank passbook (bank passbook)
- Passport Size Photo
- Ration Card
How to apply for a solar roofing project?
Step 1: In your browser
Visit to.
On the homepage, find the “Apply for Rooftop Solar” section for a roof solar.
Click “Register”.
Step 2: Such as country name, distribution business company, application and account number
Fill in the required details
Click on “Continue”.
Step 3: Download Sandes app.
Scan the QR codes provided. Register for Rooftop Solar Scheme.
Step 4: Enter your mobile number.
Request OTP. OTP and enter your email id (EMAIL -D).
Step 5: Enter your registered customer number (RGN) and mobile number.
Click “Login”. Apply online through the National Solar Roof Portal.