Tata Capital Scholarship 2024 Apply online @buddy4study.com

Should you also apply for Tata Capital Scholarship ..? Tata Capital Scholarship 2024 Do you not know how to apply ..? All documents are required to apply. Read on this article, including qualifications.
Students applying for the Tata Capital Scholarship should apply for the following eligibility and necessary documents. Students selected for this scholarship are paid Rs 10,000 to Rs 12,000 depending on their qualifications.
Tata Capital Pankh Scholarship is being given to students by Tata Capital Limited. Eligible and interested students can apply for this scholarship.
Tata Capital Scholarship is awarded to assist the higher education of students belonging to the economically weaker sections of the society. Eligible and interested students can apply online.
Tata Capital Scholarship 2024:
Post -matric courses, 11th, 12th, B.Com, B.Sc. Tata Capital is offering a scholarship of up to 80% or 12,000 tuition fees for students studying in BA Degree, Diploma/ Polytechnic Courses.
Apply for Karnataka Prize money scholarships for All Students
Students who are studying in the first PUC, Secondary PUC, Degree, Diploma/ Polytechnic Courses can apply at India’s accredited institution.
The candidate must have obtained at least 60% marks in the previous class.
The annual income of the student’s family should be less than 2.5 lakhs or equal.
Tata Capital & Buddy4study employees are not eligible.
Experiments of Scholarship’S:
First PUC, Secondary PUC Students: Rs. Are given.
B.Com, B.Sc. BA, Diploma/Polytechnic Students: Rs. Are given
Tata Capital Scholarship 2024 Required
- Aadhaar card
- Applicant’s passport size portrait
- Income Proof (Income Certificate)
- Proof of access (college/organization ID card etc.)
- The current academic year fee receipt
- Scholarship Applicant’s Bank Account Details (canceled check/passbook each)
- Previous classroom marksheets or grade cards
- Disability and Caste Certificate (if applicable)
- Important dates:
- Last date of application submission: 15-09-2024
Important links:
Tata Capital Scholarship 2024 Link: Apply
Click Here to Apply for TATA Scholarships