Today’s formal questions in today’s history 13-05-2020

Today's formal questions in today's history 13-05-2020
1607 – An expedition led by Captain Christopher Newport arrives in Jamestown, Virginia. The next day the travelers were sheltered and the site became the first permanent settlement of the English in America.

1779 – The Bavarian War of War ends.

1787 – Captain Arthur Philip leaves for Britain from Australia. He successfully landed eleven ships full of criminals in the Bay of Botany on 18 January 1788. The group moved north after eight days and settled in Port Jackson.

1821 – Samuel Rust gets a patent for the first experimental press in America.

1846 – America warns that war with Mexico exists

1854 – America’s first major billiard match at Malcolm Hall in Syracuse, USA

1861 – Britain declares it is neutrality in American Civil War

1864 – The Battle of Reza begins as the Battle of Union General Sherman toward Atlanta during the American Civil War.

1865 – The final land engagement of the American Civil War takes place at the Battle of Palitmo Ranch in far south Texas, a month after General Lee surrenders at Appomattox, VA.

1873 – Ludwig m. Wolf received a patent for sewing machine lamp holders.

1880 – Thomas Edison tests his experimental electric railway at Menlo Park.

1888 – Slavery abolished in Brazil.

1897 – Guglielmo Marconi sends the world’s first wireless communication through the open sea.

1911 – The Newyork Giants set a major league baseball record. 10 runners crossed the home plate before the first outing of the Game against St. Louis.

1912 – Royal Flying Corp is also established in England.

1913 – Igor Sikorsky flew the first four-engined aircraft.

1917 – Three peasant children see the Virgin Mary near Fatima, Portugal.

1918 – First airmail ticket issued with planes on them. Tribes 6, 16 and 24 cents.

1927 – “Black Friday” in Germany.

1940 – Winston Churchill makes his first speech as Prime Minister of Britain.

1949 – The first gas turbine to pump natural gas was installed in Wilmer, AR.

1954 – U.S. President Eisenhower signed the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Act into law.

1958 – French forces control Algiers.

1958 – U.S. Vice President Nixon’s limousine has been hit by rocks thrown by the US. Demonstrator in Caracas, Venezuela.

1967 – Mickey Mantle hits his 500th homerun.

1968 – Peace talks begin in Paris between the US and North Vietnam.

1975 – Tennis ball-shaped hail hit Vennerville, TN.

1982 – The Chicago Cubs become the first major league baseball team to win 8,000 games.

1985 – Tony Perez becomes the oldest major league baseball player to hit a Grand Slam home run at the age of 42 and 11 months.

1985 – Clash between Philadelphia officials and the radical group ends as police drop explosives at the group’s headquarters. Eleven people have died in the fire.

1998 – India begins the second round of nuclear tests. The first round was made 2 days ago. Within the hour, the US and Japan imposed harsh economic sanctions. India claims that tests are necessary to maintain India’s national security.

1999 – Prosecution of Russian President Boris Yeltsin begins in Moscow.

2003 – The United States Government unveils a redesigned version of the $ 20 bill. It is a series of colorblinds in an attempt to search for forgery.

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